5 Simple Tips to Organize Your New Home From the Start


When was the last time you moved into a new home? Do you remember how excited you felt about a fresh start? Were you anxious to get everything put away? Did all the boxes and the unpacking overwhelm you?

There are countless feelings we have as we move into a new home, but I am here to help you settle in and feel great in your new space. A move might just bring you the joy you seek as you unpack, declutter, and create organized systems.

Today I will be sharing some tips for setting up your new home with exceptional organization in mind. There is no rule about being completely settled into your new home immediately. Take your time and put things away thoughtfully so you only have to do it once.


1. Begin with the Bedrooms

Basic bedroom setup will ensure that each family member gets a good night’s sleep from day 1. On moving day, start by making sure that each bed is made. It makes a big difference when you have your own pillow to lay your head on. In the primary bedroom, be sure to have necessities such as an alarm clock, a phone charger, and reading glasses. Younger kids settle in best when they have their lovies and some special toys set up in their rooms. Be sure each child has a cup of water by their bed and also a nightlight since a new space may spurn some anxiety.

If you didn’t sort items before you packed, do so as you unpack. Put things away by category such as bedside table, stuffed animals, and art supplies. As for the clothing, do the same. Decide on the content of your drawers before you put things away, hang clothes by type, and make note of any organizing supplies you might need (drawer dividers, hangers, jewelry trays, etc.). And remember, nothing is set in stone. If in a couple weeks you want to move some things around, do it!


2. Set Up Bathrooms for Future Ease

Just as you did in the bedrooms, sort items as you unpack - daily necessities, bathing, makeup, hair, shaving, backstock. As you put things away, you may need to add some drawer storage, door hooks, and countertop organizers that don’t clutter up the vanity. Add stacking drawers under the sink to store items. Don’t waste any bit of space, especially if space is at a premium.


3. Tackle the Kitchen One Function at a Time

Setting up the kitchen can be an overwhelming task and a lot of people don’t know where to start. Before you open one box, go through the space, and use post-it notes to label areas for food storage, cooking, cleaning, and prep. Think about placing silverware, dishes, and glasses close to the dishwasher. Store pots and pans close to the stove. Cleaning supplies go under the sink.

Once you’ve decided where everything goes, unpack boxes and place things in the correct area. As you unpack, make a list of organizational products you may need such as Lazy Susans, drawer dividers, and sheet pan organizers. Don’t purchase any product ahead of time as you won’t know what you need before you unpack and designate a home for your items.


4. Create Solutions in the Laundry Room

Whether large or small, your laundry should be set up in a way that is functional for you. Some must-haves include a designated area for folding, laundry products in an easy-to-reach spot, and a basket/space for dirty laundry.

Consider storing cleaning supplies under the sink (use the vertical space) and storing less-used products and backstock in higher, less accessible spots. Being able to see what you have and labeling designated spaces (i.e. bleach, hand soap, stain remover), will prevent you from over-buying. You will see what you need and replace as necessary. And, if you have adjustable shelves, adjust them! This goes for all rooms in your house.


5. Keep the Garage Clear & Organized

Try to avoid using the garage as a dumping ground for moving boxes and other stuff. If you moved a broken sled and you know you’ll never fix it, toss it. Collapse empty boxes and recycle them or give them away (join your local Buy Nothing group on Facebook - people are always asking for boxes). Make sure you unpack everything that you moved so you don’t spend time wondering the whereabouts of certain items.

By creating systems in the garage for items such as automotive, tools, garden, and sports, and installing shelving or at least labeling spaces from the beginning, the garage is more likely to stay clear.

It’s common to get frustrated when things don’t fit the way they did in your previous home. Just take a deep breath, and think differently. There’s always a solution. For example, if you used to hang your jeans but your closet hanging space is smaller, try folding and storing them in a drawer or on a shelf. Settling in to a new space takes time. Give yourself some grace.

If you're ready for an expert to create home organization systems that simplify your life, I've got your back! Contact me today.

Until next time,,



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