7 Organizing Mistakes You Don't Want to Make


Imagine this... You enter your home and place your keys and purse on a designated hook. The kids' backpacks are hung up and the school notices are in the tray. Your kitchen counter is clear and everything is in its place. You feel calm, your home looks great, and the systems you created are working. How wonderful does that sound?

I know you are ready to get organized. Today I am sharing the 7 mistakes to avoid when organizing your home. Follow these and you will live your best life in a space you love and cherish.


Mistake 1: Waiting Too Long to Start


Many homeowners think they need a full weekend or several days to start organizing. Not true! The best thing for you to do is to start small. Start with a drawer, a dresser, or a cabinet. A little progress is still progress, and it adds up over time.


Mistake 2: Shopping Too Early On


I know you're excited to head to your favorite store to purchase baskets, and you may have been eyeing a specific product for some time but hold on! Don't buy any new bins, totes or organizing solutions until you have done your decluttering and you know what you are organizing. Once you know what you are returning to your edited closet, for example, measure your space and purchase product with the specific dimensions at hand.


Mistake 3: Holding Onto the Discard Pile


This one is simple. As you are decluttering, bring your donation items directly to the donation center. Do not let them sit around in your house (or trunk)! There is no need to hold on to your discarded items and give yourself a chance to reevaluate your decision.

Mistake 4: Stacking Bins On Top of One Another

When you stack bins of decluttered and sorted items on top of one another, your items are not accessible. If you are able, add new shelving or shelf risers that allow for easy access to all your organized items.


Mistake 5: Randomly Storing Items


You've decluttered your garage and feel relieved. You place your items in bins, stack the bins, but you still don't know where anything is. Why? You didn't store like items together or clearly label your bins. Don't forget these very important steps. No need for a time-wasting scavenger hunt every time you look for something.


Mistake 6: Focusing On Horizontal Storage

Vertical storage is your friend! Don't get me wrong, horizontal shelving is important, but don't forget to utilize vertical space. You want your use of space to be as functional and efficient as possible. Consider adding a ceiling rack to your garage, hanging coffee mugs from undershelf hooks, or stacking bins on top of acrylic drawers under your sink.


Mistake 7: Forgetting About the Future


If you declutter and still have packed closets and cabinets, you may want to consider a second round of decluttering. Yes, I did say second round. Your spaces should have extra room for additional items you will undoubtedly have in the future. An organized space only has what you need, use, and love so really be thoughtful as you declutter, so you don't have to do it again.


Reader, I know you can get your home in order. Start small, in an area that frustrates you the most. If it's your entry, start with the piles of shoes on the floor, and then tackle the mess of coats in the closet. If your kitchen is a source of stress, start with your "junk" drawer, and then work on one drawer at a time. Approach decluttering and organizing in manageable time segments that work for you, and dare I say, you might even have fun?!


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Until next time,





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