How to Create and Maintain a Clean and Organized Pantry


You return from the grocery store and unload 3 jars of tomato sauce only to find 3 in the back of your pantry. Ugh... what a waste of money! Your kids are fighting over snacks and knock an open box of cereal all over the floor. A mess (insert eyeroll)… These are signs that your pantry is inefficient and disorganized. Living with this frustrating situation in your pantry causes you stress, and wastes time and money.

Today I will be sharing 5 simple tips that will help you transform your pantry from cluttered chaos to clean and pristine, all while setting up successful systems and storage solutions.


1. Remove Before Re-Stocking

Take every item out of your pantry. All shelves and cabinets should be bare, so you start with a clean slate. Read all the expiration dates and throw out what has gone stale or bad, or foods you no longer eat due to diet or food allergies. (I'm looking at you, gluten.) Toss old paper goods and party supplies (are you really going to use those Pokemon napkins from your kid’s birthday party four years ago?). Lastly, wipe down your space for a fresh start.


2. Create Obvious Categories

Once all your items have been edited, it is time to sort! Create categories that make sense for your household. Some suggestions are breakfast items, snacks, condiments, pastas & grains, baking supplies, and canned goods. Start thinking about placing your everyday items in easy to reach areas, kid snacks on lower shelves, and seldom used items (baking, perhaps) on higher shelves. Try using sticky notes to plan out the zones in your pantry before you put things back.


3. Select Helpful Storage Solutions


There are many options when it comes to storage solutions: plastic, acrylic, baskets, wood, wire, glass. It really depends on your budget and aesthetic.

If you are trying to be eco-conscious, think about avoiding plastic. If you don't like to see a bunch of open chip bags, use opaque plastic or baskets for storage. Mix and match so it works for you. Make sure to use bins that properly utilize the space, so don’t forget to measure your space before selecting your storage containers.

Some of my favorite pantry products are:

  • A turntable (aka lazy Susan) in a pantry corner or a hard to reach space

  • A riser for cans or spices

  • Large baskets for paper goods and back stock snacks


4. Pare Down the Packaging


Typical grocery packaging takes up a lot of space, especially if you purchase bulk items. It's okay to remove the inner package and discard the cardboard boxes before you place them in baskets. Label bins and baskets so the entire family knows where to return pantry items when they are done.  

Decanting (to pour an item from its original packaging to a clear, sealable container) is a fantastic option and a personal choice. If you are not someone who will take the time to refill, I don't recommend it. If you only plan to decant one category, baking staples will stay fresh in sealable, labeled containers.

Tips for decanting pasta:

  • Cut out the cooking directions and tape it on the back of the container

  • Write the expiry date on a piece of tape and add it to the bottom of the canister


5. Make a Plan to Maintain

Once each item and category have a home you will always know where to return them. If you have clear zones and labeled bins, your family will have no problem using your system, as well.  Kids will be able to use the pantry, especially if the things they access are placed at a reachable height. For proper maintenance, you will need to go through your pantry every 3-4 months to remove expired and forgotten items.


With a little bit of effort, you CAN create a functional pantry space in your kitchen. Whether a room, a closet, or a drawer, a well-organized and simplified pantry will save you time and money and reduce your stress.

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