Calculating the True Cost of Clutter

Boxes piled in hallway true cost of clutter

Are you always searching for your keys? Do you have piles of laundry, paperwork, and toys all over your house? Does walking into your home make you feel anxious because of all the stuff?  Extra clutter in your home can contribute to the inability to think clearly, contributing to stress and low energy.

Clutter can make it challenging to get things done, find what you need, and live in an orderly and efficient manner. When we spend time every day looking for something, we can become frantic and stressed, allowing this negative energy to build up over time.

Sifting through physical clutter to find something can take up a significant amount of your day, potentially taking time away from essential tasks, self-care, and family and friends. Not only does clutter waste time, but did you know that clutter is expensive? 

Today I’m sharing the cost of clutter in your home and how to improve the situation… 

1. The Cost of Re-Buying Items You Can't Find

Do you ever return from the grocery store with a jar of tomato sauce only to find three jars already in your pantry? What a waste! When you pile things onto shelves or into closets, and you can't see what you have, you tend to buy duplicates. Keeping your spaces sorted and organized prevents this from happening.

To avoid this in your pantry, add bins for like items and use shelf risers for cans. Add a Lazy Susan in a hard-to-reach corner and make a note of what you have before heading to the grocery store. 

2. The Cost of Long-Term Storage 

Have you ever thought of moving to a larger home because you have too much stuff? That should never be a reason to consider such a significant expense. However, if you are feeling crowded out by "stuff," it's time to do some decluttering and organizing. The number of possessions you have should not be driving your expenses. 

Additionally, if you are paying for a storage unit filled with old and unknown goods, think of the money you will save if you do a big purge of that space. All of the items you are storing just because you don't know what else to do with them can be donated, sold, or tossed. Think how relieved you will be when you let go of those items and cancel the monthly storage unit fee.

3. Cost of Disorganization

How often have you been charged a late fee because you misplaced a bill? Or had your child crying because you forgot to sign the field trip permission slip? Or even worse, you miss an important deadline because you were disorganized? 

Implementing a simple file system in your kitchen, mudroom, or entry space can help you organize important tasks. For instance, use a small file box and add hanging files with the following labels: bills to pay, school notes, to do. 

Next, add mail, school notes, and other tasks into the proper file. Go through each file once on the weekend and once during the week. A simple system like this can help you save money and avoid being late or missing things altogether.

You Can Have More Time & Money

Once you sort through the clutter and create organized systems, you will have more time and money to do the things you love. Imagine having more time to play outside with your kids or host friends for the big game. What about a simple bubble bath for some much needed self-care? 

You can spend your money on travel or family excursions. It is worth your time to get your home in order so that you can live your best life.

Your home should be your sanctuary, a safe place where you can take time to unwind. Still, when your house is filled with physical clutter, it can lead you to negative feelings about your home along with added stress and anxiety, which can all negatively affect your well-being.

A home with organized systems will make you feel better, increase your energy, and allow you to spend less and make more time for what really matters.

If you're looking to bring some orderliness and structure to your daily routine, I can help! Contact me here, and let's get to know each other.




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