The Top 3 Ways to Go Green at Home Now


The climate is changing, and our limited resources are being depleted quickly. So you may be asking yourself, “How can I be kind to Mother Earth?”

You can make small changes at home. When you go green, it positively impacts the planet. You can have a more sustainable and eco-friendly home by reducing plastic use or using non-toxic cleaning products. Today I am sharing 3 easy tips that won't require any major life changes to achieve… 

1. Easy Ways to Reduce Waste

One of the most manageable changes I've made is reducing my use of paper towels. I do keep a roll under my kitchen sink for situations with raw chicken or doggy messes. But on my counter, I keep small soft cloths. I use the towels from Marley's Monsters (not sponsored), but you can buy any reusable cloths, even use cut-up old t-shirts and towels.

Do you have piles of brown paper grocery bags? Reduce waste by bringing your own grocery bags to the store, including reusable produce bags. Try not to purchase pre-packaged produce as it adds a lot of plastic to the environment.

Do you toss fresh produce every week? It happens to the best of us. Consider planning your weekly meals, so you only buy what you will use and try making a frittata or stir fry with any leftover vegetables.

Did you know that 80 percent of the plastic water bottles we buy end up in landfills? Use a reusable water bottle instead. There are a ton of glass and metal options available. 


2. Select Toxin-Free Products & Furnishings

Some household cleaners contain toxins that are harmful to the environment and can cause reactions such as itchy eyes or rash in humans or pets. Luckily, many companies make non-toxic cleaners that are safer for all. 

Consider trying companies such as Branch Basics, Blueland, or Grove Co. Even good old white vinegar mixed with water (1:1 ratio) will clean many areas in your home.

Start by committing to one change, such as wiping counters daily with a vinegar/water solution or using non-toxic laundry detergent.


3. Look for Areas to Improve Energy Efficiency

There are easy ways to increase energy efficiency in your home. Here are a few areas that are easy to update for a more energy-efficient home…

  • Change your filter regularly. Your HVAC system will work more efficiently.

  • Change your bulbs and lighting from incandescent to LED.

  • Washing laundry in cold water saves energy and money.

  • Turn off lights when you leave a room, and turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth.

Another easy change you can make is to close blinds, shades, and drapes during warmer months to help keep your home's temperature cooler and reduce the work for your AC. Open shades during cooler months to let the sun warm your home.

With a bit of effort, you can make small yet impactful changes in your daily life to help the planet. If you need help making changes within your home, I can support you. Contact me to declutter (I will dispose of things responsibly) and organize so you lead a healthier and happier life in your home.

If you're ready to create a home that ticks all the boxes on your goals, reach out to me. I can't wait to hear about your project.




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