4 Ways to Easily Plan Ahead for Your Next Move

Are you preparing to move to a new home? Whether you are moving down the street or across the country, I am sharing tips that will help make your move more manageable and less stressful. Let’s go!

1. Start with Decluttering

When preparing for a move, go through each room and purge things you don't need, use or love—no sense in moving clutter from one home to another. Carefully scrutinize your belongings and decide if you are going to move them. 

The chairs in your living room that you hate? Donate or sell. Your great-grandmother's china that your parents dropped off years ago? If you don't use it, find someone who will, or donate the set. If your children are older, it's time to give the baby things to someone who will make good use of them. Save yourself time and money, and get the decluttering done! 

2. Make it Easy

You've finished your decluttering and know what you want to move but feel overwhelmed. Set yourself up for success and create a portable bin that you can take from room to room with all the supplies you need as you pack. 

Your kit should include packing tape, scissors, Sharpies, cleaning supplies, a pen, and an inventory log. You will also need boxes and bubble wrap or packing paper. Don't forget to buy labels for your boxes (see details below). 

3. Over-Label Your Boxes

Labeling your boxes as you pack will simplify your move. Use colorful labels to mark the boxes packed in the same room. For example, if the kitchen boxes are blue, then the movers will know to put them all in the kitchen at your new home. You can create your labels or purchase premade labels online.

Keeping an inventory will also be helpful. Write down the contents (e.g., grilling tools, outdoor dishes) as you number each box. Then, as you unpack, you will know which boxes to open first (yes, you, coffee maker).  

If you want to use a numbering system rather than color-coding (or use both), I suggest giving each room a 3-digit number (kitchen is 100 and kitchen box 1 is 101, living room is 200, etc.). Another tip for the movers is to make a key to your coding/coloring system and hang signs on the room doors, so they know, for example, that red/300 boxes go in the primary bedroom.

If you are planning to put items into storage and you may need to access them, I highly recommend taking a picture of the contents and the outside of the box.

4. Pack Your Essentials Separately

Be prepared for the first night in your new home. Bring your everyday essentials with you or have them packed last in the truck. Must-haves can include medications, pajamas, and toiletries. Also, be sure to have quick, easy access to sheets, towels, and any first-morning breakfast necessities (or just plan on a Starbucks run). 

Setting yourself up for success before your move will significantly reduce your stress and make life settling into your new home a cinch!

Need help organizing your home pre-move or even post-move? Let's chat. I'd love to help. 

See you soon,


Packing Essentials

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