How Can I Prepare for My Consultation? I’m Glad You Asked...

Hiring a professional home organizer is more than someone putting your things in pretty baskets. When you hire me to help you declutter and organize your home, it helps to know how you and your family live in your space, what your pain points are, and your goals for the functionality of your home. When you have prepared a little bit ahead of my consultation, I am more able to pinpoint your needs and create a plan that will work for you.


Task #1: Save and Share Images that Inspire You

Get inspired! Is there a book or article you’ve read that you want to share with me? Is there a specific look you want in your pantry? Email me some photos of what you like. Let me know if you will have a lot to donate (or a very specific/niche item) so I can find the appropriate place to rehome your items.  Send me photos of what you’d like your home to look or feel like so I can get a sense of your living style.


Task #2: Discuss and Determine Your Project Goals

Plan out your project goals. Do you need to fit a car in a full garage? If yes, we may need to hire a company to haul away items for trash and donate. Are you downsizing to a smaller home? We may need to scrutinize all of your kitchen gadgets and only keep the essentials. Think about your comfort level in terms of both financial and emotional investment so we can make an appropriate plan.


Task #3: Prepare and Plan to Keep Your Mind Open

Having a professional go through your home and your personal items to declutter and organize can be stressful. I encourage you to approach your consultation with a positive attitude. And please know that you are not being judged for having a lot of stuff or piling things up in your closet. My job is to help you reach your goals and love the space you are in. If you let go of any stress and anxiety, the process can be quite fun and satisfying.

Ready to schedule that home consultation if you don't already have one on the books? Let's talk. I can't wait to meet you! Click here to send me an email now!




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