My Best Organization Tips to Use Before Your Renovation Starts

Are you getting ready to renovate your home? Whether it is a room or an entire house, get yourself organized prior to the work starting. If your space is ready for the renovation, the entire process will be much smoother for you. There will be less to worry about and less to do once the reno is complete. Read on as I share my 3-step process.


Tip #1: Declutter, then Decide What Stays and Goes

It doesn’t make sense to move old, unwanted items into a new, improved space. With any room, you want to go through each item as you pack up. Only keep what is loved and still functional. If it’s a bathroom, scrutinize all of the products and towels you have and donate or toss what you don’t (or won’t) use any more. In a kitchen, think about if you really need all of those one-use appliances and gadgets (think banana slicer 🍌 or the once-used bread maker 🍞 from your wedding in 1999). When you put your time, money, and heart into a renovation, you want the final space to not only be stunning, but organized and functional.


Tip #2: Sort, then Strategize about Daily Needs

As you pack up your pre-renovation space, place all of your items in clearly labeled bins for safekeeping during the renovation (the connstruction zone will be dusty.) As you pack, snap photos of what you have so you can plan how you will put things back post-reno and make a list of what you might need to buy later such as new towel sets, soap dispensers, or bed linens. Be sure to set aside items that will be used and needed daily during the renovation (such as medications) to avoid having to search for things in storage or buy new during the renovation.


Tip #3: Pack Up, then Put the Boxes in Storage

If you plan to live in your home during the construction, you can use an extra room or your garage to store your things. But know that as much as you tape things off or cover furniture with plastic, things will get dusty! If you have a lot to store or want to reuse your furniture in the new space, consider storing your items in a storage pod or an off-site storage unit. I still recommend covering or wrapping furniture to maintain their integrity.

If this feels like a daunting task, I can help you get ready. Please reach out as this is what I specialize in and I am eager to help you.

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