My Smooth & Stress-Free Home Organizing Process


Are you feeling overwhelmed when you open drawers and closets? Do you want to learn how to efficiently sort, purge, and organize the stuff you have? Are you wondering about the last time you saw the surface of your desk? Are you embarrassed to invite people to you home due to all the clutter? If you answered "yes" to any of these, you sound ready to hire a home organizer. It may be hard to make the phone call because you feel stressed or you have no time, or you fear being judged. But, please, make the call! The process of working with me will be stress- and judgement-free.


1. Consultation & Planning


Before I get to the decluttering and organizing, I start by getting to know you, your space, and your needs. We start with a phone call and then a one-hour consultation at your home (free of charge!). You show me the areas that cause you stress or anxiety, I ask questions, and start making a plan for your spaces. Each client is unique and each job is 100% personal to the client. There is no one-size-fits-all in home organizing.


2. Decluttering, Organization & Systems

My process is simple.


START FRESH - All contents are removed from the space I am organizing in order to start the project with a clean slate. This allows me to understand the space in terms of scope and size, and gives me an inventory of the products in the space.

SORT - All items are sorted into categories to give me an idea of the organizational systems I will need to create.

DECLUTTER - Once the inventory is sorted, we declutter. With each item, we decide if you NEED it, USE it, or LOVE it. If it doesn't meet one of these three criteria, it will likely be donated, recycled or thrown away.

SPACE PLAN - My goal is to accommodate the items you have in your home and plan the space for maximum efficiency and functionality.

I like my clients to be involved but if you have a big project at work, we can communicate through text and I might leave you some homework. I won't purge anything without your permission. I use organizing products based on your aesthetic and budget so if you want all eco-friendly materials, you got it. My goal is for the process to be stress-free and for the outcome to make you feel delighted.


3. Creating a Sustainable Routine


I create organizational systems specifically for you that are easy to maintain. All your items will have a home so everything will be easy to put away. Once your home is free of clutter, you will be able to easily do a nightly refresh or quickly clean up for company. 

While you can keep up the organizational systems in your home, our lives get busy and sometimes your space may need a bit of TLC. I am available to refresh an already organized space for existing clients.


An organized home will allow you to live life to the fullest. No more overwhelming feelings when you walk into the house. No more stress over all the things you need to sort through or worry that you have nowhere to put anything. You will feel energized and relieved, and most importantly, you will have more time to be with friends and family and do the things that you love.


It’s a new year! If you're ready for a home that helps you say YES to life, I would be honored to help. Reach out and let's chat!


Until next time,



My #1 Tip for Easy, Confident Decluttering


3 Simple, Sanity-Saving Solutions for Maintaining Your Organized Home