3 Simple, Sanity-Saving Solutions for Maintaining Your Organized Home


Upon completion of a client’s organizing project, everything has a home, there are systems in place, and the space is neat and tidy. The homeowner feels a sense of relief and even exhilaration when the decluttering and organizing is done. The goal is for the space to be easily maintained so today I am sharing 3 simple routines for maintaining your home’s organization.


Routine #1: Ten Minutes to Tidiness

I know your days are busy, but if you maintain a daily clean-up routine, you will be able to keep your home in tip-top shape. At the end of each night, take ten minutes to walk through your main living areas with a basket in hand, picking up anything that doesn't belong, and returning those items to their proper place. Wipe down your kitchen counter and wash anything left in the sink. Lastly, program the coffee maker and head to bed! In the morning you will feel so happy that there are no toys laying around and that all the snacks were put away.



Routine #2: Fifteen Minutes of Fast Decluttering

Your pantry is usually highly functional, but life has been busy. After trips to the grocery store and Costco, you've just thrown things on shelves and bulk items have piled up on the floor. You've got 15 minutes, so it's time for a quick and ruthless decluttering session. Toss any stale or expired items. Put pantry items away in their proper baskets or shelves. Refill snack and cereal canisters and put your Costco items where they belong. Don't forget to take items out of the bulky cardboard and recycle the packaging.

You can do a quick clean-up of any space - your closet, the bathroom counter, the playroom. Just remember to sort things into keep/toss/donate piles and take care of each pile swiftly.



Routine #3: Half Hour to Hosting Bliss

The holidays are around the corner and you can be ready for guests in no time. Before your guests arrive, put away any shoes or coats that are laying around. Make sure you have some extra hangers in your coat closet for guests. Realign the welcome mat and tidy up your entry for a neat first impression. Set out fresh hand towels in the restroom. Clear off the coffee table, fold the throw blankets and fluff up the sofa pillows. Light a beautiful candle and you are good to go.



Sometimes life gets in the way, and despite our best efforts, certain spaces get cluttered or daily routines aren't doable. No problem! I am available for a refresh session to past clients who need a bit of extra help maintaining their organized spaces.


Feeling overwhelmed in your own home, despite your attempts to tidy up? Give me a call... I would love to help you declutter and destress!





My Smooth & Stress-Free Home Organizing Process


Laundry Room Organization: What You Need to Know